Creation mythology

Cradle of Civilization

Creation Myths of the World: Parts I-II

In the Babylonian creation story Enuma Elish the universe was in a formless state and is described as a watery chaos. From it emerged two primary gods, the male Apsu and female Tiamat, and a third deity who is the maker Mummu and his power for the progression of cosmogonic births to begin.

In Genesis the world in its early state after its creation is described as a watery chaos and the earth “without form and void”. The spirit of Elohim moved upon the dark face of the waters and commanded there to be light.

In the Theogony the initial state of the universe, or the origin (arche) is Chaos, a gaping void (abyss) considered as a divine primordial condition, from which appeared everything that exists.

Then came Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (the cave-like space under the earth; the later-born Erebus is the…

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